Christmas get together with college friends...
Our Christmas get together did push through (Whew!) despite the ...lack of... communication with regards to details. Had a great time really and we had 2 (surprise!?) visitors which made the get together much more special (...and made our photo shoots a lot more easier with 2 extra photographers at our disposal, rt!? )
Here is the link to the uploaded pictures from our camera-phones... (other pics to follow)
College Friends Christmas Get together...
Shots Location: Dinner at Panda Chine, T.Morato , Dessert at Gloria Jeans, Eastwood Libis , Breakfast at Jollibee, Greenmeadows , Taxi, and Mel's House...
Search Treasured MOM-ents
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Monday, December 29, 2003
New goddog (?)
My bestfriend Ciara got a brand new baby (...errr puppy!) for Christmas from her boyfriend, Charles. Me!? I got myself a brand new god(dog) in the process... here are some of the pictures taken of the little one.
Bruno surrounded with fur
Bruno with White tiger stuff toy
Bruno up close
Bruno in a sweater made from old socks...
Bruno with proud new mama
If the pictures don't open...Please click on the link here...
Have a get together with my college friends later...Will celebrate our long over due Christmas party tonight as well as the planned out exchange gift... Guess this will once again be an all-nighter =)
My bestfriend Ciara got a brand new baby (...errr puppy!) for Christmas from her boyfriend, Charles. Me!? I got myself a brand new god(dog) in the process... here are some of the pictures taken of the little one.
If the pictures don't open...Please click on the link here...
Have a get together with my college friends later...Will celebrate our long over due Christmas party tonight as well as the planned out exchange gift... Guess this will once again be an all-nighter =)
Friday, December 26, 2003
F4 back in Manila
Watched the F4 concert with Hannah and JJ (Thai friend) last night... Some of my friends were also there namely Ciara, Iris and Lisa... Really tired after the concert because of the pre-concert preparation (wink** wink**!!!). Anyway, it was well worth the effort because we saw the 4 of them real close, yipee!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! =)
Watched the F4 concert with Hannah and JJ (Thai friend) last night... Some of my friends were also there namely Ciara, Iris and Lisa... Really tired after the concert because of the pre-concert preparation (wink** wink**!!!). Anyway, it was well worth the effort because we saw the 4 of them real close, yipee!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! =)
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Christmas Indulgence...
Another dessert I've been practicing for those friends who love sweets... (To jilliano, If u'r passing by our place...tell me,k!? I'll try to make one for you...hehe! This is called 'bribery'!)
and another hobby i plan on starting... (this is the first attempt)
A little busy these past few days...Grandparents from U.S. arrived yesterday to spend Christmas with us. They bought something cute which I can't resist but take a picture of.
...slipperz! Whatdyathink!??? hehe!
Another dessert I've been practicing for those friends who love sweets... (To jilliano, If u'r passing by our place...tell me,k!? I'll try to make one for you...hehe! This is called 'bribery'!)
and another hobby i plan on starting... (this is the first attempt)
A little busy these past few days...Grandparents from U.S. arrived yesterday to spend Christmas with us. They bought something cute which I can't resist but take a picture of.
...slipperz! Whatdyathink!??? hehe!
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Christmas cakes...
I've been trying to make cheesecakes for christmas gift. Although the first batch was a little on the softer side...(Sorry to those who got the first batch!!!), I finally got the hang of it and found the perfect cream cheese to get the result I want (feeling professional chef daw hehe!). I also improved on my icing decoration as well...although I still haven't figured out how to make icing and opt on using plain whipped cream for the meantime. As for the presentation of the packaging...I think I got it perfected and it looks christmassy and nice...(I hope the taste also does...). A sneak preview of my cake-making attempts...
*This icing is the better-looking ones...Sabog ang iba eh kakahiya ipost.
*First attempt at ribbon presentation...
*Second attempt at ribbon presentation...
I finally ran out of the wide ribbon so if I am going to make my next batches...I guess I have to think of another presentation... I also had a disaster in the kitchen while making these cakes. I dropped one cake and the cake looks like cheesecake with graham as it's filling instead of it's crust....Argh! Sayang...
I've been trying to make cheesecakes for christmas gift. Although the first batch was a little on the softer side...(Sorry to those who got the first batch!!!), I finally got the hang of it and found the perfect cream cheese to get the result I want (feeling professional chef daw hehe!). I also improved on my icing decoration as well...although I still haven't figured out how to make icing and opt on using plain whipped cream for the meantime. As for the presentation of the packaging...I think I got it perfected and it looks christmassy and nice...(I hope the taste also does...). A sneak preview of my cake-making attempts...
*This icing is the better-looking ones...Sabog ang iba eh kakahiya ipost.
*First attempt at ribbon presentation...
*Second attempt at ribbon presentation...
I finally ran out of the wide ribbon so if I am going to make my next batches...I guess I have to think of another presentation... I also had a disaster in the kitchen while making these cakes. I dropped one cake and the cake looks like cheesecake with graham as it's filling instead of it's crust....Argh! Sayang...
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
About the baptismal... A Lilo and Stitch theme party... Quite an event and really fun (especially for the little ones who attended the event). Magic shows...Stitch for M.C...Games, cute souvenirs and great set up to boot... I'll try to post pics if I can get copies from the photographer. For the meantime, I have post a pic of my cuz (celebrant's uncle) and the celebrant's pic
for more baptismal pics...
**Sorry for the resolution...Phone-cam pics uploaded as of the present
Had one of our "FC General Assembly"and KC-i-am-home-for-the-holidays-surprise-dinner... Welcome Home Kc!!! We decided to meet up on Tuesday in Greenbelt... (Pretty surprising and fishy because we don't usually get much enthusiasm from our organizer, Juice, to meet up with us and... on a weekday!?). Anyways, went to Sentro (...again!) for dinner and Max Brenner for dessert... Of course, Typical Fcs won't be complete with our traditional 'picture-taking'
for more FC night out pics...
**Sorry for the resolution...Phone-cam pics uploaded as of the present
(L-R) Chix, Hahn, Mel, KC, Col
***Note from Juice: I took the pic that's why I am not here...=(
Quite busy for the past few days... Christmas is finally taking a toll on me...Sigh* Anyways, Enjoy the Holidays!!!
About the baptismal... A Lilo and Stitch theme party... Quite an event and really fun (especially for the little ones who attended the event). Magic shows...Stitch for M.C...Games, cute souvenirs and great set up to boot... I'll try to post pics if I can get copies from the photographer. For the meantime, I have post a pic of my cuz (celebrant's uncle) and the celebrant's pic
**Sorry for the resolution...Phone-cam pics uploaded as of the present
Had one of our "FC General Assembly"and KC-i-am-home-for-the-holidays-surprise-dinner... Welcome Home Kc!!! We decided to meet up on Tuesday in Greenbelt... (Pretty surprising and fishy because we don't usually get much enthusiasm from our organizer, Juice, to meet up with us and... on a weekday!?). Anyways, went to Sentro (...again!) for dinner and Max Brenner for dessert... Of course, Typical Fcs won't be complete with our traditional 'picture-taking'
**Sorry for the resolution...Phone-cam pics uploaded as of the present
(L-R) Chix, Hahn, Mel, KC, Col
***Note from Juice: I took the pic that's why I am not here...=(
Quite busy for the past few days... Christmas is finally taking a toll on me...Sigh* Anyways, Enjoy the Holidays!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Today,I have a baptismal to attend to...My cuz's son. Yikes! Everyone is getting a family na...A lot of my batchmates are already in the family way or have already bore one child. I think i am getting a wee bit old..or are they just getting into the family thing a wee bit early!?
Anyways, Once the Christmas season is over, the birthday (ahem!) seem to come real soon. I am about to reach mid-20's. The day(!?) to night-out with my high school friends came out ok although the traffic sorta ruined our schedule... Had a panic-buying mode of shopping yesterday to find a perfect present for a friend's significant other. Well, we did find something and hopefully my friend is happy with the purchase, especially the person she's giving it to. Went to Cia's for a late dinner and some getting it out-of-the-system bonding... Forgot to take a picture for posting. I'll try next time we meet...Tenta on the 27th.
Have to cut this short...Need to get ready for the church thing... (baptismal) and the dinner after the ceremony.
Today,I have a baptismal to attend to...My cuz's son. Yikes! Everyone is getting a family na...A lot of my batchmates are already in the family way or have already bore one child. I think i am getting a wee bit old..or are they just getting into the family thing a wee bit early!?
Anyways, Once the Christmas season is over, the birthday (ahem!) seem to come real soon. I am about to reach mid-20's. The day(!?) to night-out with my high school friends came out ok although the traffic sorta ruined our schedule... Had a panic-buying mode of shopping yesterday to find a perfect present for a friend's significant other. Well, we did find something and hopefully my friend is happy with the purchase, especially the person she's giving it to. Went to Cia's for a late dinner and some getting it out-of-the-system bonding... Forgot to take a picture for posting. I'll try next time we meet...Tenta on the 27th.
Have to cut this short...Need to get ready for the church thing... (baptismal) and the dinner after the ceremony.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Some adjustments...
Did some adjustments for the photos...I hope it's safe to say that it is officially working!!!
It's my day off from work today (yipee!). And since I have made progress with the image, I guess I have to put in a pic of the office as a test, hehe! Here's a view of our office space...This was taken during the initial stage and still unaffected from all the hustle and bustle of project deadlines...As you can see, the workstation looks organized and like it hasn't been used yet because it really wasn't (that time)...
=) Still not yet done with my Christmas shopping (a long way to go pa!).
I'm excited with the thought of meeting three of my high school friends (Cia, Iris, Cathy) 'altogether' on Saturday. There would be quite a lot of catching up that need to be done since it was a long time since we last saw each other as a group.
Did a test right now taken from Juice's website...

Congratulations! You are Charlotte.
Which Sex and the City Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
That's it for now...
Did some adjustments for the photos...I hope it's safe to say that it is officially working!!!
It's my day off from work today (yipee!). And since I have made progress with the image, I guess I have to put in a pic of the office as a test, hehe! Here's a view of our office space...This was taken during the initial stage and still unaffected from all the hustle and bustle of project deadlines...As you can see, the workstation looks organized and like it hasn't been used yet because it really wasn't (that time)...
=) Still not yet done with my Christmas shopping (a long way to go pa!).
I'm excited with the thought of meeting three of my high school friends (Cia, Iris, Cathy) 'altogether' on Saturday. There would be quite a lot of catching up that need to be done since it was a long time since we last saw each other as a group.
Did a test right now taken from Juice's website...
Congratulations! You are Charlotte.
Which Sex and the City Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
That's it for now...
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
I finally got to link the picture successfully for viewing. Thanks to another friend, Ana (the webmaster for our very own website)... She is the one behind our mack website
Click the logo to enter our website...
It was quite a day for us. We had a presentation this afternoon and helped our friends on their Christmas business, Christmas gift baskets, which are due for delivery soon. There was quite a lot of work put into each of those basket but it was fun doing it together. I guess that sums up what I did for the whole day today...
Plus, i get to use an image as a link to a website...(hurray!) I am learning things in html slowly (but surely!???)... I would appreciate any tips that would come my way to improve this. Small tips would be very much appreciated so i can digest the codes little by little... =)
I finally got to link the picture successfully for viewing. Thanks to another friend, Ana (the webmaster for our very own website)... She is the one behind our mack website
It was quite a day for us. We had a presentation this afternoon and helped our friends on their Christmas business, Christmas gift baskets, which are due for delivery soon. There was quite a lot of work put into each of those basket but it was fun doing it together. I guess that sums up what I did for the whole day today...
Plus, i get to use an image as a link to a website...(hurray!) I am learning things in html slowly (but surely!???)... I would appreciate any tips that would come my way to improve this. Small tips would be very much appreciated so i can digest the codes little by little... =)
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Sugi Pictures Trial Posting...
Hope this works! Thanks Juice! This was taken on December 2nd, 2003
(L-R) Juice, Mel, Hahn, JJ
* If you are not seeing any picture in your screen, your pc is not the problem. My command and editing on this specific posting is. I'll try to work something out and have a picture ready for viewing soon. Thanks to my friend, juice and my non-existent visitors for bearing the temporary inconvenience, hehe!
Hope this works! Thanks Juice! This was taken on December 2nd, 2003
(L-R) Juice, Mel, Hahn, JJ
* If you are not seeing any picture in your screen, your pc is not the problem. My command and editing on this specific posting is. I'll try to work something out and have a picture ready for viewing soon. Thanks to my friend, juice and my non-existent visitors for bearing the temporary inconvenience, hehe!
Friday, December 05, 2003
Farewell to JJ!
Hannah's thailander friend, JJ, has already left for bkk (Bangkok). I wasn't able to send her to the airport with Hannah but at least I get to spend the last day of her stay here at the Philippines at Hahn's place to bid her for the last time for this particular visit.
Last night, we had a food marathon in an effort to have JJ sample more of the Filipino foods that we have to offer... For dinner, We had chinese food with Hannah's family, I was quite full already but since it's her last stay in Manila, we went to World trade center-Christmas Bazaar to take a stroll before going to the next resto. Since we were already in Roxas, Hannah has chosen Aristocrat to continue JJ's Filipino food tasting... and the Filipino food for that day was the halo-halo, puto bumbong, and the bibingka.
JJ's verdict!? She can't tell for sure if she loves the taste because she is so full that I think she lost her sense of tasting...hehe! Anyway, it was fun while it lasted! We were so tired when we got home that we fell asleep once our heads hit the pillow. (We made sure we didn't hit the pillow before we did the packing first...) ZZZZZzzzzz... Til Then!
Hannah's thailander friend, JJ, has already left for bkk (Bangkok). I wasn't able to send her to the airport with Hannah but at least I get to spend the last day of her stay here at the Philippines at Hahn's place to bid her for the last time for this particular visit.
Last night, we had a food marathon in an effort to have JJ sample more of the Filipino foods that we have to offer... For dinner, We had chinese food with Hannah's family, I was quite full already but since it's her last stay in Manila, we went to World trade center-Christmas Bazaar to take a stroll before going to the next resto. Since we were already in Roxas, Hannah has chosen Aristocrat to continue JJ's Filipino food tasting... and the Filipino food for that day was the halo-halo, puto bumbong, and the bibingka.
JJ's verdict!? She can't tell for sure if she loves the taste because she is so full that I think she lost her sense of tasting...hehe! Anyway, it was fun while it lasted! We were so tired when we got home that we fell asleep once our heads hit the pillow. (We made sure we didn't hit the pillow before we did the packing first...) ZZZZZzzzzz... Til Then!
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Hannah's Birthday!!!
Today is one of my closest friend's birthday...Good news is we are going to see each other later to celebrate her day with her friend from Thailand and of course, her family. Bad news is I am still in the TEXT MODE with this blogger!!!
I have already asked for help from my friend Juice, to no avail. She is too busy as of the moment =( and I am stuck with just typing things here (Again, hopefully just for the meantime!!!)
Today is one of my closest friend's birthday...Good news is we are going to see each other later to celebrate her day with her friend from Thailand and of course, her family. Bad news is I am still in the TEXT MODE with this blogger!!!
I have already asked for help from my friend Juice, to no avail. She is too busy as of the moment =( and I am stuck with just typing things here (Again, hopefully just for the meantime!!!)
I wish i could somehow figure out how to work this thing out... but since I can just publish text for the meantime (I hope...) I may as well make the most of using text to describe something relevant in this website.
I have spent my day going back and forth the office and a client's place. Although it was quite a trying day, I can say that we achieved something for today. 22 more days and its Christmas time...It really is beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas with the chilly wind and all the christmas decors already displayed throughout the malls and a lot of houses in the Philippines. hmmm... maybe I'll end this for now. I'll try to work the picture into this site so as to share some of my moments and give my guest some sort of a visual to make my descriptions a little more interesting... Bye for now!
I have spent my day going back and forth the office and a client's place. Although it was quite a trying day, I can say that we achieved something for today. 22 more days and its Christmas time...It really is beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas with the chilly wind and all the christmas decors already displayed throughout the malls and a lot of houses in the Philippines. hmmm... maybe I'll end this for now. I'll try to work the picture into this site so as to share some of my moments and give my guest some sort of a visual to make my descriptions a little more interesting... Bye for now!
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