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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dress as your favorite Princess

We went to Disney Store to search for an appropriate gift for Kalen's Birthday.

* Posing outside the store

Turns out that they were having a mini craft event with dress as your favorite princess theme. I noticed a lot of kids wearing princess costume and lining up. I didn;t know what was happening that time and caught sight of a Snow White costume which I tried on for Kimi... Hmmm Nice! but, pricey :( I thought that everyone was wearing costumes from the racks and let Kimi fall in line when I realized that the girls were wearing their own costumes... oops! Toink!

* My Little Snow White

When I was young, we went to Disney World. Snow White kissed me on the cheeks and from then on i was hooked with this Classic Princess...

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"Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony..."
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...and God gave me Kimi :)

* Kimi was intent as the instructions were being given

* Disney Princess event was staged here

* Dress up cardboard template

* Snow White was Kimis choice of princess for the day

* Stickers to complete the paper doll

* Little Snow White waiting by the castle door

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"Mirror, mirror on the wall / Who in the land is fairest of all?"
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You, my dear :)

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Metrotown Mall
Burnaby, B.C.

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