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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Kimi and Kenzo's Lego Birthday Party

This year, Kimi and Kenzo had a Lego Inspired Birthday Party.

Kimi invited her classmates to the party while Kenzo had our regular friends to be his special guests ;)

* Jo and Sarah

* Warren and Justin

* Justin lost in (lego) thought

* Trading in Ryker for Shawn ;-P

* Rex's Mini Me

* Ryker, Kaitlyn and Sam

* Lovebirds Glenda and Warren

Love these mommies (and daddies, and of course, the kiddos)

 * Mother and Son Moment

* The Dads in my life

The Brickz 4 Kids hosted the party as a package with Nikkei Place.

* Matteo and Jonas shares lego figurine kit

* Olivia does the Lego free play

* Trio

* Start of the Lego Party

* One of the Lego built by the guest

* Paper Crimper

* Paper goes in and paper crimped comes out…

The Kids had a grand time feeding the Paper Crimper with paper. They love making paper fries as they call it.

* Kids get to take their figurine home

* Build a Car Lego… Kids had a great time playing races with they creations

* My Family <3

* Our Extended Family

*** Thank you to Steve for the pictures taken at the party

* * * * *
Nikkei Place
Burnaby, B.C.

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