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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Holiday Printmaking

It was a day before her birthday, the class states age 4. I actually called up the community center to be considered and they relented. Yey!

Holiday Printmaking is sort of like stamping to create beautiful items. It was a one day class that involves mom and child.

I loved doing art classes with Kimi. I hope too find sport class for dad and Kenzo to bond over as well.

When we arrived, the tables were setup for the project. 

* Brands that I used to buy when I was in college majoring as an art student
....memories, sigh!

* Variety of art supplies 

* Brushes for foam printing

Kimi eagerly chose a seat and waited for the explanation from the instructor.

* Kimi behaved

* Kimi's foam- "Our Family"

What it does is that you use the roller with your chosen paint over the foam then stamp it on the object you wait printed. 

* Rolling on the foam sheet drawn

Rule of the thumb is to make sure that you do mirror image to make a good printing.

* Our first print

We had an hour and a half to explore printing through papers, watercolor boards, brown papers and many more...
* Personalized Gift wrappers

* Art to dry

Kimi decided to do another stamp for Yeye and Nana...

* Card for Nana and Yeye

* Our Prints...

* All dried up, ready for wrapping :)

You can also make use of watercolor pencil to mix with the stamps as background as well...

* Kimi tries her hand at the watercolor

* Our foams....

* With Teacher Marianne Otterstrom

* * * * *
Cameron Recreation Complex
Burnaby, B.C.

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