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Friday, August 24, 2012

Motherhood Choices

I admit that motherhood is not a walk in the park, yet it is the most rewarding role I could ever ask for. It`s hard to make decisions when you know that every decision may, and will, affect (you and...) your kids in the future. I have compiled some decisions we had so far and what we got from these decisions.

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Some of you may roll your eyes on co-sleeping at age 2 and 4 but I really love having them close to me while they still want me. I know that soon enough, they will want their space.


#1 Waking up to see Kenzo looking down at me, smiling and raining me kisses to start my day
#2 After a hard day's work, I love to see them sleeping peacefully in our bed and cuddling them. Makes me forget the day's fight and shouting matches. It's a perfect way to end the day, seeing them sleep makes me almost forget how active they were earlier.
#3 I love how Kimi instinctively reaches out in the middle of the night, still asleep, to look for the warmth of my body, and sighing contentedly upon finding me.
#4 I just love having hubby, Kimi and Kenzo within my arm's reach, makes me feel that everything I need are in this little space we call bed.
#5 Doing prayers with the kids at night time, it is so funny what comes out of the kids and I just love making small talks before they go to sleep.

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Doing part time work has it perks although sometimes I wish I could start my path toward whatever career path I want to take, to get a full time job that actually make a big contribution towards our monthly bill and to actually set aside something significant for our future, but we decided that the kids needs me more right now and that we can work on a budget with whatever salary we rake in at this point.

* December 2012


#6 I get to see how they do day in and day out, which can be a bit too much for me sometimes but can be rewarding when you see them reach a milestone with your very own eyes.
#7 Shuttling them for play dates during the office hours and getting together with the other mommies and kids to compare notes share motherhood experiences. This is priceless and we can only do that during office hours...
#8 I get a bit of time in the office to re-energize and miss the kids so that I can be a better mom when I get home. Mom can get overloaded too when the kids is with you 24/7. A bit of grownup and office setting goes a long way to keep my sanity intact.
#9 I love taking the kids to places they can learn outside the confines of the classroom. Weekday means a little less crowd and more fun for them and less stress for me. Parks, Malls, Movies, Play Areas, Zoo, Farms... 
#10 I learned to do fun things on a budget, less work, less pay so you get to be creative with the budget you can work with ;).

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School time is fast approaching and as much as I love Summer with all it's freestyle scheduling, school time means routine and we try to limit what goes in as the kid's extra curricular activity from September- June.

* 2011 Skating in Killarney


#11 I know church is not an extra-curricular but we decided that Sunday mornings are our church days and with me volunteering in the kids ministry this Summer in Kimi's class, I am quite confident that she will be in good hands and learn a lot of Bible truths every week. I know I did...
#12 One extra-curricular activity guaranteed (if I can fit more, why not?). I signed up Kimi to skating lessons, which she has been asking for, this coming September and I have to juggle my schedule a bit to fit this in. It may take awhile for me to get another activity so as not to load her up too much and because I need some time to fit volunteering which is required from her school as well :(. 
#13 Chinese lessons. We decided to enroll Kimi for chinese classes on Saturdays and I might volunteer on the same organization just to help my chinese help instead of just loitering and waiting on the side.
#14 Choir. I am waiting for the church bulletin to print out an opening for the kid's choir and hopefully Kimi will be able to make it to the the age range.
#15 Sun-dates. A Special famliy activity on the weekend. Be it Satur-date or a Sun-date. 

How about you? What are your choices for your family and how did it affect your family? I'd love to get more ideas...

* * * * *
Children are only young once.

Polish Proverb

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