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Friday, January 30, 2009

Mother and Daughters...

I have always been close to both my mom and grandmother and I miss them greatly now that I am so far away. I miss all those driving from places to places with my mom back in Manila and fetching my grandmother to go out on weekends or just for the afternoon. That is our version of girl's out... It was just hanging out and being relax with each other, sharing stories from our lives and offering support and advise. I always wanted Kimi to be a part of that tradition but we can't because of the distance...

I wish I am a better writer to describe just how profoundly they have affected my life. They made me a better person by being such a great example. They rather show me how to be a good mother and good daughter by doing it rather than stressing it with words. It really works because I am caught off guard by how much I am beginning to act and think a little bit like my mom and my grandmother.

It comforts me somehow that even with the physical distance, they are a big part of who I am that I will always have them inside me. I miss you Mommy and Grandma...

"Every Mother contains her daughter in herself
and every daughter her mother
and every mother extends backwards
into her mother and forwards into her daughter."
--C.G. Jung"
Karl Kerényi (Essays on a Science of Mythology)

Mother and daughter relationships are complex
because the daughter looks to her mother
as a role model of what a woman is.
As she grows up and sees other woman
who live their lives differently,
she chooses between imitating her mother
or other significant influences in her life.
As an adolescent she may come to look down on her mother
and think that other woman are much better.
Of course she is not a fully grown woman
so she does not understand the challenges
and choices that her mother faces.
It is only when she herself becomes a woman
that she can fully appreciate her mother.
© Family Friend Poems


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