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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Mandarin Lessons at Tzu Chi

Kimi started her Mandarin Chinese (immersion) at Tzu Chi.

We were contemplating if it was a bit early or if she will have too much on her plate right at this point since she is doing full day school as well for this year. We decided to try it out anyway and reasoned that we had Chinese when we were in the Philippines right from pre-school anyway. We can pull her out if she really hates it, you just have to say goodbye to half of the tuition fee. It was a good price of $190 for every Saturday of a whole semester (5 months).

We were able to witness the start of the class and the teacher spoke at least 98% mandarin, and I could see the blank faces of Kalen and Kimi as they try to decipher what the teacher was instructing them through her hand gestures or through the other classmates who came from Chinese-speaking families.

I asked Kimi how it was at the end of the class, and she said that she doesn't understand but she will learn in time... (Whew!) Atta Girl :)!

* First Day at the Chinese class

I just loved this poster gracing one of the wall...

* * * * * 
Burnaby, B.C.

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