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Thursday, October 06, 2011

School-made Applesauce

We got a newsletter for us to bring 2 apples for the next day, it turns out that they are making applesauce in school just in time for thanksgiving :)

* Fall Newsletter

You can see all the faces of the kids when they were dismissed. everyone had a big smile and a little package of applesauce! As soon as they saw the one who was there to get them, they exclaimed: Look! applesauce! It seems that they had fun making the applesauce. They took turns cutting the apples (of course, with the teacher guiding their hands). put them in a pan to stir. That is, what i got from Kimi. i have no idea if this was supposed to be cooked but the fact that she remembered the step, at least, gave me the impression that she enjoyed the process. :)

* Kimi's Applesauce

* Ready to eat

It really tastes good. Kimi shared this small snack with Kenzo.

* Thanksgiving :)

* * * * *

HaPpY THaNksGiVinG

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