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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

(Un)domestic Mommy Day 1

Today, my in laws left for a 10days well-deserved cruise to Las Vegas, US of A. I am left here to figure out on my own how it really is to be the captain of a ship... or in my case, a real stay at home mom. I am embarrassed to admit that I am undomesticated right up to more than a year of being married. This is the first time that I am left to cook for three meals a day for more than a week. I have always had help even when my mom in law left Canada to Manila last year...

I had a Mc Lunch today... It is pretty lonely to cook for one so I opt to walk my way to the nearest fastfood.


I went to the nearest Supermarket at Highgate Village (Save-on Food and Shoppers Drug Mart) for some ingredients for our dinner tonight. I also got some books from the library to fill my days since I don’t have people to talk to now while hubby is in the office. I know that there will be more work for me to fill up my time with but I still want some alone time for myself hehe!


#202-7155 Kingsway Burnaby

For dinner, I chose a simple recipe called “Crispy Chilli-Garlic-Hoisen Chicken” which I got from the Multiply site of the “Diary of a professional eater”, I did not make the rice part of the recipe and I am so happy it was a success since hubby finished off the small batch of dish... At least, I did something edible (...and delicious!), I wonder what tomorrow’s dish would be...



Anonymous said...

naks mel! galing!!! huy pero bakit walang tao yon High Gate? close na?

Mel said...

sa harap yan... hinantay ko la tao tsaka ko shinot kasi may carpark sa likod so more tao dun daan :)


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